Posts from the ‘dedication’ Category

Where the Battle Rages, there the Loyalty of the Soldier is Proved


Battle Map

Battle Map (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


“If I proclaim in the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved and to be steady on all the battle front besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”

Martin Luther

The Biggest Threat in the World

“The biggest problem in the world is not radical Islam, but nominal Christianity.”

“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”
Matthew 12:24-26

 “The shepherds are senseless and do not inquire of the LORD; so they do not prosper and all their flock is scattered.”

Jeremiah 10:21

We are closing 3600 churches a year in the USA.

Its time to pray and take action.

Make Christ King of your heart.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Jesus never sought to amuse them! by Archibald Brown



Archibald Brown was C.H. Spurgeon’s successor.

Jézus soha nem akarta szórakoztatni őket! (He never sought to amuse them! by Archibald Brown).

Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him

“Even the wind and the waves obey Him!”


We are the Church.

The Church is a building but not one made by human hands, but by the Spirit of God.

When we meet for the purpose of knowing Jesus Christ or serving Him, He tells us He is present with us.

 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)

To further that point, it is also true that Christ is present in all who believe and receive Christ as Lord and Savior.

Jesus is IN the individual believer and IN and WITH those who are gathered in His name.

This is also true for our online community.

We are having an impact. People from countries all over the world are receiving the Gospel as a result of the faithful witness of online writers who take the Great Commission to heart and see blogging as an additional resource to meet those needs.

Our ancient foe knows this as well.

Which is why I pray for all my followers and online friends in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

I would encourage all who are like hearted to do the same because Satan makes attempts to get us off message in several ways.

If you are worth the devil’s time then you are having an impact!

Keep doing what you are doing and don’t stop.

Find several ways, but don’t stop telling others about Jesus.

(JESUS),”He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.”

 “He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

 “They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:39-40)